Psychology in the Talmud: Guidelines for Simchah and Personal Growth Hardcover Book Just $4.40! (Reg. $21.99)

Psychology in the Talmud: Guidelines for Simchah and Personal Growth Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $4.40!

“Psychology in the Talmud uncovers important insights from the Jewish tradition and offers tools for success, joy, growth, and inspiration. Timeless ideas are elaborated on from the writings of classical Torah commentaries as well as current leaders in the fields of psychology and personal growth. Short summaries enable readers to more easily implement these crucial concepts into their lives.”

Magic Tree House Boxed Set, Books 1-28 Paperback – Box Set Only $49.33 + Free Shipping

Magic Tree House Boxed Set, Books 1-28 Paperback – Box Set – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to $59.26.

Plus, clip the $9.93 coupon on the product page for a total of just $49.33 w/free shipping!

“This boxed set is the ultimate gift for any Magic Tree House fan. When Jack and Annie discover a mysterious tree house filled with books, they never dream that it will take them on exciting adventures around the world and throughout history! The story begins with Dinosaurs Before Dark, when Jack and Annie are whisked back to the prehistoric past. With a total of twenty-eight adventures, kids will never get tired of traveling the world and completing missions with their new friends Jack and Annie.

Future of Happiness Hardcover Book by Rebbetzin Feige Twerski For $7.59 (Reg. $21.99)

Update: Deal over.

Future of Happiness Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $7.59!

“The essence of a home is evident in the story of a young refugee child who was standing with her parents in the train station, surrounded by an assortment of trunks, boxes and bags, when a man approached her and said with great compassion,You poor, dear child, wandering from place to place with no home to call your own. The child looked at the man in puzzlement and responded, Sir, you are mistaken. I do have a home I just don t have a house in which to put it.

To build a happy Torah home is not a simple task, but it is the most important thing most of us can ever do. Are our homes Torah-dik? Are they happy? It seems that, despite the tremendous growth of technology and the economy, there is less happiness in the West than there used to be. The future of happiness is in doubt. The future of our homes does not seem secure.

In this unique, entertaining, and powerful volume, we will discover how to bring happiness to our homes and ourselves.”

Schottenstein Ed. Mishnah Elucidated Seder Nashim Volume 2 – Tractates: Nedarim and Nazir Hardcover Only $10.39!

Update: Deal over.

Schottenstein Ed. Mishnah Elucidated Seder Nashim Volume 2 – Tractates: Nedarim and Nazir Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $10.39!

  • Full vowelized Hebrew text of the Mishnah, and full text of “the Rav’s” (Rabbeinu Ovadiah of Bertinoro) classic Mishnah commentary.
  • Phrase-by-phrase translation and elucidation, following the Schottenstein Edition Talmud format, based on the interpretation of Rabbeinu Ovadiah of Bertinoro, adds words and phrases to make the Mishnah text read smoothly and clearly.
  • Notes to clarify and explain the Mishnah further by drawing on the Gemara or other classic Mishnah commentaries.
  • General introductions to each masechta discuss many important concepts.
  • Many detailed diagrams and illustrations.

Edges of Truth – Perspectives on Life – Based on the Writings of the Sfas Emes Hardcover Book Only $7.17! (Reg. $21.99)

Edges of Truth – Perspectives on Life – Based on the Writings of the Sfas Emes Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to just $7.17.

“Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the Ramchal, was among our nation’s greatest thinkers and kabbalists. Yet, as great as he was, he felt duty bound to write Mesillas Yesharim, a (relatively) simple work that stresses the basic character requirements needed for improving one’s Divine service. Why? While all principles of Torah are very important, that which helps us change and brings us closer to what G-d wants of us, is most important. Similarly, although the Sfas Emes al HaTorah is famously full of novel ideas, Kabbalah, and enlightening interpretations, its main objective is not simply intellectual. The ideas are meant to help us acquire the traits necessary to make one’s service to Hashem complete and whole. Therefore, everyday issues such as bitachon, praying, Torah study, Grace after Meals, reward and punishment, exile and redemption, and more are addressed – and explained with appealing, deeper dimensions of understanding. Those who learn the Sfas Emes can’t help but be spellbound by the magnificent ideas of its author, Rav Yehuda Aryeh Leib Alter, the second Gerrer Rebbe. With Edges of Truth, we can integrate these amazing concepts into our daily lives. 

Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times Hardcover (Jonathan Sacks) For Just $13.99 (Reg. $30)

Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $13.99!

“A distinguished religious leader’s stirring case for reconstructing a shared framework of virtues and values.

With liberal democracy embattled, public discourse grown toxic, family life breaking down, and drug abuse and depression on the rise, many fear what the future holds.

In Morality, respected faith leader and public intellectual Jonathan Sacks traces today’s crisis to our loss of a strong, shared moral code and our elevation of self-interest over the common good. We have outsourced morality to the market and the state, but neither is capable of showing us how to live. Sacks leads readers from ancient Greece to the Enlightenment to the present day to show that there is no liberty without morality and no freedom without responsibility, arguing that we all must play our part in rebuilding a common moral foundation.

A major work of moral philosophy, Morality is an inspiring vision of a world in which we can all find our place and face the future without fear.”

The Coronavirus Pandemic: Historical, Medical and Halachic Perspectives Hardcover Book Only $5.45! (Reg. $19.99)

The Coronavirus Pandemic: Historical, Medical and Halachic Perspectives Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $5.45!

Rabbi Professor Avraham Steinberg is a pediatric neurologist, a rabbi, and an ethicist. He is currently the director of the Medical Ethics Unit and the chairman of the IRB at Shaare Zedek Medical Center. He is also the head of the Editorial Board of the Talmudic Encyclopedia.

Steinberg is the author of the Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics (in Hebrew and English) and Ha’refuah K’halachah (in Hebrew). He is the laureate of the prestigious Israel Prize and the Worthy Citizen of Jerusalem award (Yakir Yerushalayim). Involved with many public committees and legislations in Israel concerning medical ethics, Steinberg has discussed many modern issues in medicine with the Gedolim, including Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt”l, Rav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, zt”l, Rav Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg, zt”l, Rav Ovadia Yosef, zt”l, and many others. He has published many of their halachic rulings on these issues.”

Mesilah – Hardcover Book (Mosaica Press) Only $3.23! (Reg. $19.99)

Mesilah – Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $3.23!

“Written in a down-to-earth style, with wonderful stories and practical lessons, this unique book offers fresh insights on concepts we know and yet tend to forget in our fast-moving lives. With its emphasis on personal growth and simchah, Mesilah is a book whose impact will be felt long after you close its pages.”

The Wisdom of Getting Unstuck: How to emerge from and avoid the muddy middle Hardcover Book Only $3.23! (Reg. $22.99!)

The Wisdom of Getting Unstuck: How to emerge from and avoid the muddy middle Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $3.23!

“Anxious? Overwhelmed? Maybe a little depressed – or more than a little?

If you want to regain control of your life, this book is for you. It is full of effective, time-tested, and workable techniques for setting aside the concerns that hold you back.

Walking through The Wisdom of Getting Unstuck makes you feel like you’re controlling the shots. It gives you the clarity and the tools necessary to stick to your path and meet your daily tasks. And it shows you how to free yourself from the foreign thoughts and unhealthy behaviors that have been keeping your true self at bay.

In this book, you learn how to listen (and speak) to your soul, identify the bad spots, focus on the good parts, live according to your true values, and tell your story in the way that you’ve always yearned to have it told.”

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes [Box Set] Hardcover – Illustrated For $67.33 Shipped!

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes [Box Set] Hardcover – Illustrated – Link

— Clip the $33.66 coupon on the product page.

“Join Calvin and Hobbes on all their adventures in this three-volume hardcover collection of every comic strip from the comic strip’s eleven year history (1985 to1996).

Calvin and Hobbes is unquestionably one of the most popular comic strips of all time. The imaginative world of a boy and his real-only-to-him tiger was first syndicated in 1985 and appeared in more than 2,400 newspapers when Bill Watterson retired on January 1, 1996. The entire body of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons published in a truly noteworthy tribute to this singular cartoon in The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Composed of three hardcover, four-color volumes in a sturdy slipcase, this New York Times best-selling edition includes all Calvin and Hobbes cartoons that ever appeared in syndication. This is the treasure that all Calvin and Hobbes fans seek.”

Food A Halachic Analysis Hardcover Book Only $6.90! (Reg. $24.99)

Update: Deal over.

Food A Halachic Analysis Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $6.90!

“In this remarkable volume, in his trademark engaging manner, respected author Rabbi Yehuda Spitz explores halachic issues pertaining to what we eat and explains essential concepts such as Chodosh, Maris Ayin, Bishul Akum, and Chalav Yisrael. Noted for their comprehensive yet easy-to-read portrayal, the diverse and fascinating halachic topics addressed include dishwashers, cholent, Coca-Cola, quinoa, genetically engineered meat, buffalo burgers, meat scandals – and much more. Readers are granted a unique opportunity to develop an appreciation of the halachic process as it unfolds, from ancient tomes to modern times.”

Rav Asher Weiss on Mo’adim – Pesach to Shavuos Hardcover Book Only $8.96! (Reg. $22.99)

Rav Asher Weiss on Mo’adim – Pesach to Shavuos Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $8.96!

“Rav Asher Weiss, shlita, has quickly become known as one of the leaders of our generation. His mastery of halachah, his open heart and door to every Jew who needs him, and his leadership during a very difficult time have set him apart as one of the gedolim of our generation.

In this series on the mo’adim, we discover not only Rav Asher Weiss’ scholarship but also his heart; included here are some of the wonderful derashos that he has put together and said over the years about the chagim of Klal Yisrael.”

Amittah Shel Torah 2 – The Jewish Year (2 Volume Set) Hardcover Set Only $3.92! (Reg. $59.95)

Amittah Shel Torah 2 – The Jewish Year (2 Volume Set) Hardcover Set – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $3.92!

“In this volume of Amittah Shel Torah Rabbi Twersky delves into the texts of and relating to the Jewish year, providing us with a glimpse of their depth and profound beauty. In doing so, he uncovers the meaning of countless puzzling comments of Chazal and Rishonim and provides the reader with a new understanding of and a heightened appreciation for the Torah texts that we know so well. Rabbi Twersky’s shiurim on the Jewish Year offer an invaluable perspective on many crucial concepts in Torah.

The Jews and the Crusaders: The Hebrew Chronicles of the First and Second Crusades For Just $1.85!

The Jews and the Crusaders: The Hebrew Chronicles of the First and Second Crusades – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $1.85!

“The Jews of Christian Europe were the first victims of the Crusaders’ zeal, and the survivors produced accounts of the massacres they had witnessed. The Jews and the Crusaders contains a full English translation of these chronicles, which cover the First and Second crusades – years in which a wave of slaughter and suicide swept the Jews of France and Germany, and demonstrated the Jews’ stubborn refusal to abandon their faith. Shlomo Eidelberg has translated four important primary documents from the original Hebrew, providing a perspective on the Crusades that has until now remained relatively obscure to the English-speaking world, thus serving both historians of early Christian Europe and Judaic scholars.
The unique emotional power of each chronicle may be felt in the translation. The Chronicle of Solomon bar Samson is a moving narrative concerning the Rhineland massacres. The second chronicle, that of Eliezer bar Nathan, interprets some of the same events in elegiac style and liturgical language while the third chronicle, the Mainz Anonymous though fragmented, is highly analytical in nature. The fourth chronicle, Sefer Zekhirah, is a personal description of the Second Crusade, full of poignant detail. Together, the chronicles present a moving human record of these events, of value not only to professional historians but to all who seek to broaden their understanding of the Jewish experience.
These documents will be of further value in that they exemplify eleventh- and twelfth-century literary style, combining factual accounts and descriptions of events with encomia and liturgical elements. In these four chronicles, this genre is enriched with a language and style derived from a mixture of Biblical, Talmudic, and midrashic literature”

Guinness World Records 2019 Hardcover Book Only $4.88!

Guinness World Records 2019 Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $4.88!

The world’s most popular record book is back with thousands of new categories and newly broken records, covering everything from outer space to sporting greats via Instagram, fidget spinners and all manner of human marvels. Inside you’ll find hundreds of never-before-seen photographs and countless facts, figures, stats and trivia waiting for you on every action-packed page. Guinness World Records 2019 is the ultimate snapshot of our world today.

Plus, this year we celebrate the incredible “Maker” movement with a special feature devoted to the inventors, dreamers, crafters and creators who devote their lives to amazing record-breaking projects such as the largest water pistol, a jet-powered go-kart and an elephant-sized hamburger (think you could eat a whole one!?). We take a sneak peek into their workshops to explore these epically big builds, and ask them what inspires them to go really, really large!”

Rabbi Naftali HaKohen Katz: His Life, Legacy and Ethical Will (2 Volume Set) Hardcover Only $4.51! (Reg. $54)

Update: Alive again for only $10.60!

Rabbi Naftali HaKohen Katz: His Life, Legacy and Ethical Will (2 Volume Set) Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to a record low at only $4.51!

“Presenting for the first time to an English-speaking audience a vivid biography of the holy and action-filled life, and the ethical will, of one of the greatest sages and kabbalists, Rabbi Naftali HaKohen Katz (c. 5409 (c. 1648) – 5479 (1719)), of righteous memory.

Rabbi Naftali served as av bet din and reish metivta of Ostroh (Ukraine), Posen (Poland) and Frankfurt am Main (Germany), and was accepted to serve as nasi in Israel in the congregation of Safed. He was also appointed as head of the Va’ad Arba Aratzot (the Council of the Four Lands).

The work is embodied in two volumes enclosed by an elegant slipcase. “

Strangers & Natives: A Newspaper Narrative of Early Jewish America 1734 -1869 Only $6.85! (Reg. $29.95)

Strangers & Natives: A Newspaper Narrative of Early Jewish America 1734 -1869 – Link

You can currently snag this at Amazon for only $6.85!

Strangers and Natives: A Newspaper Narrative of Early Jewish America, 1734 – 1869 focuses on the daily life and customs of the Jewish community and the Jewish people; the formation of Jewish congregations and organizations; and the involvement of Jews in education, literature, journalism, politics, the marketplace, the military, and history itself. While there are numerous historical accounts of early American Jewry quoting documents, diaries and memoirs, this is the first that uses periodicals from that time period. Using scans of the original newsprint, most from the author s own extensive collection, Strangers and Natives displays the actual written words – the first blush of history – in visual form.”

FREE Learn How to Earn with Stock Trading eBook!

Learn How to Earn with Stock Trading – Link

Amazon has this kindle eBook currently available for free!

“Stock trading is a form of investing that prioritizes short-term profits over long-term gains.
Stock traders buy and sell stocks to capitalize on daily price fluctuations. These short-term traders are betting that they can make a few bucks in the next minute, hour, day or month, rather than buying stock in a blue-chip company to hold for years or even decades.”

In this book you will find:

  • How to start Stock Trading
  • How the markets work
  • Stock Trading Picks
  • How to develop your investment plan
  • Automated software
  • How to avoid mistakes

Living A Deeply Insightful Life: Based on Rav Noach Weinberg’s 48 Ways hardcover Book For Only $2.10 (Reg. $24.95)

Living A Deeply Insightful Life: Based on Rav Noach Weinberg’s 48 Ways – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $2.10!

“Everyone needs wisdom for living. Understanding ourselves, connecting with our souls, controlling emotions, using the physical world positively, living with truth and reaching inner peace – are some of the important and life-changing ideas that are discussed and explained in Living a Deeply Insightful Life. In this new presentation by Rabbi Chaim Willis, the depth of the 48 Ways (based on Ethics of the Fathers 6:6) is fully explained in a way that can be appreciated by any person at any level of Jewish knowledge.”

Dinner Done by Between Carpools Hardcover Cookbook Only $23.49!

Update: Deal over.

Dinner Done by Between Carpools Hardcover Cookbook – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $21.53!

This was selling for $34.99 yesterday and is now its lowest ever!

This will be released on November 18th.

  • 150+ quick-to-prepare, family-friendly dishes that you ll turn to over and over.
  • No pricey, hard-to-find ingredients needed! You already have most ingredients in your pantry!
  • Beautiful photo for every single dish.
  • A full chapter of super-quick, no-mess 9 x 13 recipes prepared directly in the pan in just minutes. Mix, bake, and serve!
  • Chicken, Meat, Fish, and Dairy main dishes, plus lots of easy side dishes, salads, and soups!
  • Yes, there’s always room for a sweet treat. Dinner Done also includes the easy, delicious desserts you ll turn to when there’s no time to fuss.
  • The Between Carpools team also shares their favorite cooking hacks and tips throughout the book!

Amelia Bedelia 12-Book Boxed Set Just $19.59

Update: Deal over.

Amelia Bedelia 12-Book Boxed Set – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to just $19.59!

The twelve books in this boxed set are: Amelia Bedelia Means Business, Amelia Bedelia Unleashed, Amelia Bedelia Road Trip!, Amelia Bedelia Goes Wild!, Amelia Bedelia Shapes Up, Amelia Bedelia Cleans Up, Amelia Bedelia Sets Sail, Amelia Bedelia Dances Off, Amelia Bedelia on the Job, Amelia Bedelia Ties the Knot, Amelia Bedelia Makes a Splash, and Amelia Bedelia Digs In. Includes an Amelia Bedelia paper doll!

20% Off Shavua Hasefer Sale at Artscroll!

Update: This sale ends today!

Artscroll – Link

Artscroll is running a 20% off sale, on all their 3000+ titles!

Click here to view the sale Catalog.

HOT! Shadal – Torah Commentary by Samuel David Luzzatto (4 vols.) Only $18.96 Shipped!!

Shadal – Torah Commentary by Samuel David Luzzatto (4 vols.) – Link

You can currently snag this for only $18.96 from Amazon!

Click here to shop Amazon’s Prime Day Deals.

“Luzzatto’s Torah commentary presents the reader with the work of an accomplished and highly respected Bible Commentator of the 19th century, a leading Bible scholar at the University of Padua, who tackled the well-worn theories of Bible critics who deny the Divinity of the Torah, both Gentile and Jewish.

His commentary preceded, by 40 years, that of Dr. David Hoffman, head of the Berlin Rabbinical seminary, which first appeared in 1904 and also addressed Bible critics.

Luzzatto’s credentials as an expert in all the languages that could have had an influence on the text of the Torah are beyond question, including, for the first time, Syriac.

Doing all this work in a country that was thoroughly Catholic, and taking issue with ancient as well as recent critics, was an act of fearlessness and integrity, and displayed peerless scholarship.”

They Called him Rebbe: The Life and Good Works of Rabbi Boruch Milikowsky Hardcover Only $8.02!

Update: Deal over.

They Called him Rebbe: The Life and Good Works of Rabbi Boruch Milikowsky Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $8.02!

“The present volume, which contains more than one hundred vivid stories about Rabbi Boruch Milikowsky’s relationship with his students, entertains as it inspires. With tears and laughter, you will accompany Rebbe through the tragedies and triumphs of his life as he reaches out to his students with humor, wisdom and compassion, helping each one to achieve his full potential as a Jew and a human being.

They Called Him Rebbe also contains new primary source material about the Holocaust and the Mir Yeshiva’s years in Shanghai.

“Rabbi Boruch Milikowsky was born in Vishnevo, Belarus in 1913. Over a twenty-year period, he learned in Radin, Baranovitz and at the Mir Yeshiva. Together with the Mir Yeshiva, Rabbi Milikowsky fled to Shanghai during World War II. The Nazis murdered most of his family. After the war, Rabbi Milikowsky became a Torah educator and mashgiach at the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore. There, over the course of forty years, he employed his unique, God-given talents to help hundreds of boys to remain Jewishly strong and inspiring many to go on to careers in the rabbinate and in Jewish education.”

Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Volume 8) Hardcover Only $2.09!

Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Volume 8) Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $2.09!

“Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, one of the towering figures of twentieth-century Judaism, was not just a Talmudic scholar and philosopher. He was primarily a man of Halakhah, and Rabbi Ziegler has dedicated himself to publicizing the Rav’s halakhic rulings and positions. In this series, Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Rabbi Ziegler has compiled the Rabbi Soloveitchik’s rulings and presented them in an easy-to-read format, with each issue crystallized down to a brief summary.”

The Torah Commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: Exodus Hardcover Only $7.83! (Reg. $29.95)

The Torah Commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: Exodus Hardcover – Link

Head on over to Amazon where you can currently snag this for only $7.83!

“The Torah Commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach provides a glimpse into the unusual way in which the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach received and transmitted Torah. It also aids the reader in bridging ”Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach the great composer/singer” and ”Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach the great scholar/teacher.” Those who sing his songs, but do not learn his Torah, only sing half a song. When Reb Shlomo speaks of Abraham and Sara, you are sure he is speaking about his own grandparents. When delving into the lives of Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, Rachel and Leah, it is as if he is speaking of his own parents.

The teachings in this book of commentary are not just meant to be read — they are intended to be enjoyed and experienced as ”holy music.” Ultimately, they are intended as a lesson in living a ”holy life.” Wherever Reb Shlomo traveled in the world, he brought several suitcases of holy books with him. This book makes Reb Shlomo’s teachings accessible to help us carry on our journey through life.”

Tales for the Soul 6 (ArtScroll Mesorah) Hardcover Only $9.94!

Update: Deal over.

Tales for the Soul 6 (ArtScroll Mesorah) Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $9.94 on Amazon!

“There’s a reason Yair WeinstockÆs Tales for the Soul series has produced 8 bestsellers – every volume is filled with stories that are the perfect blend of gripping drama and inspiration! This new volume is now ready to take its place on the long list of Weinstock’s successes.

This new collection is a kaleidoscope of stories that are real page-turners. As a world-famous novelist, the author knows how to bring out the warmth and beauty in each of his selections. The remarkable deeds of great leaders, the harrowing experiences and uplifting miracles of Jews living in faraway places and times become real to us down to the last detail.

As the title promises, these tales are truly gratifying to the soul — and a joy to the heart.”

The Impact of World War One on the Jewish People Hardcover Book Only $1.34! (Reg $26.95)

The Impact of World War One on the Jewish People Hardcover Book

You can currently snag this from Amazon for only $1.34!

“The First World War was a calamity which significantly impacted the Jewish people. Millions of Jews were personally affected whether upon the battlefields by being in close proximity to the fighting, or as refugees. The era of the First World War ignited existing hatreds against Jewry and posed unprecedented challenges in a world rife with peril. With the Wars end in 1918, dangers and hardships facing Jewry continued. Amid this bleak and ominous picture, the Balfour Declaration gave hope for Jewish statehood. The aftermath of the war eventually led to the rebirth of the Jewish State.”

Torah Commentary: Midrash Rabbeinu Bachya (7 volume set) Only $32.97 Shipped! (Reg. $250!)

Torah Commentary: Midrash Rabbeinu Bachya (7 volume set) – Link

This is currently marked down on Amazon to only $32.97 w/free shipping!

“The Torah Commentary of Rabbi Bachya Ben Asher was the first to be based on the four principles denoted by the letters pardes, Peshat, Remez, Drush, Sod 1) the plain text, 2) a deeper, more philosophical approach to the text; 3) homiletical approach to the text; and 4) a mystical kabbalistic interpretation of the text. Rabbi Bachya introduces each of the chapters of the book with an introduction for the reader as to what they are about to experience, as well as providing thought provoking questions along the way.”

Crossing the Dateline (3 volume set) Hardcover Only $21.26!!

Update: Deal over.

Crossing the Dateline (3 volume set) Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to a record low at only $21.26!

“More and more observant Jews are crossing the Pacific every year, for both business and pleasure. Numerous questions arise, such as: · What day is Shabbos in Japan, Hawaii, Alaska, and Australia? At what point do I cross from one day to the other? May I fly from Asia to the US on Friday or Sunday? When crossing into “yesterday,” does one pray again? What about tefillin and sefiras ha’omer? What about crossing into “tomorrow”? Finding answers to these and many other significant questions is not a simple matter. The Gemara and the Rishonim do not explicitly discuss the dateline, and almost everything about it (including its very location) is widely disputed by contemporary poskim — and often misunderstood by laymen. And due to the unusual intricacies involved, even many rabbanim do not have clarity on these issues. Crossing the Dateline offers fresh analysis of the issues like never before: · Comprehensive, in-depth, and extremely well-researched and thought-out, it is a unique and indispensable resource for the rav and scholar. · Easy-to-read, with simple lists, tables, maps, and a Quick Reference Guide, it gives clear practical direction for the layman and traveler on the go. About the Author: Rabbi Mordechai Kuber is the rav of Congregation Nachlas Tzvi Ohel Avraham in Telz-Stone, Israel and a fixture in the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He is also a kashrus veteran, a writer, and a teacher, and travels frequently to the Far East.”

The Meshech Chochmah: Condensed Torah Commentary by Rabbi Meir Simchah Hakohen of Dvinsk In English Hardcover Book Only $7.93!!

Update: Alive again for $8.19!

The Meshech Chochmah: Condensed Torah Commentary by Rabbi Meir Simchah Hakohen of Dvinsk Hardcover Book – Link

Head on over to Amazon where you can currently snag this for only $7.93!

“Editor, Mr. Eliyahu Munk was born in Frankfurt on Main, where he received his education at the Samson Refael Hirsch Realschule, as well as at the Yeshivah headed by Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer, zt”l.
After emigrating to England, he continued his studies at the Yeshivah in Gateshead.
He served in Jewish education, primarily in Toronto, Canada for close to 30 years, before making aliyah to Israel in 1978. During his years in Canada he also pursued a business career while teaching. Since settling in Jerusalem, Mr. Munk has been busy translating numerous classical Torah commentaries into English.
Publication of the Torah commentary by Samuel David Luzzatto (Sha’dal), brings the number of authors whose works Mr. Munk has translated to 18, comprising 54 volumes totaling over 27,000 pages.
It is this editor’s hope that the volume submitted herewith will be as enthusiastically received by his ever increasing circle of readers as have his earlier efforts.”

The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening: The Passover Haggadah: With a Commentary Based on the Teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Only $5.06!

Update: Deal over.

The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening: The Passover Haggadah: With a Commentary Based on the Teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (English and Yiddish Edition) – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $5.06!

“In an attempt to convey the excitement and inspiration felt by the Rav on the Seder night, many of his most remarkable and penetrating commentaries have been collected in this Haggadah. It includes excerpts from his public lectures, from published works and unpublished tapes, as well as reconstructions of his lectures on the Haggadah and Pesah (the laws of Passover). The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening offers a glimpse into the originality and brilliance of the Rav s teachings as he uncovers new dimensions of meaning and significance in the Haggadah. “

The Novominsk Haggadah For $23.39

The Novominsk Haggadah – Link

Artscroll just put out this brand new Haggadah and is now available for just $23.39.

“How to describe Rav Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe? He was a Rebbe and Rosh Yeshivah. A leader of the worldwide Torah community. A brilliant thinker, gifted speaker and writer, a compassionate guide and advisor to thousands, and, of course, an outstanding talmid chacham.

We all know the story of the Exodus, of Yetziyas Mitzrayim. In The Novominsk Haggadah Rav Perlow reveals to us the neshamah, the soul of that story. He examines each word of the Haggadah and creates a brilliant synthesis of machshavah and hashkafah, of Midrashim and commentaries. He shares with us a breathtaking view of the mission and miracle of the Jewish People, and gives us a new and powerful appreciation of what we are celebrating as we sit down to our Seder.

Here are so many important themes, so many eye-opening insights. What does it mean to be the Chosen People? What are the foundations of our emunah? How can we understand Hashem’s unalterable love for Klal Yisrael? What are the lessons of history that we can learn, and how do they pertain to our lives today? What does our past tell us about our future?

The Novominsk Haggadah also includes a special section on the Rebbe’s teachings of Shir HaShirim, which gives us a new and intriguing understanding of its words.”

Artscroll 30% Off Talmud & Mishna Sale!

Update: This sale ends today!

Artscroll is currently running a 30% off Talmud & Mishna sale!

With this sale you can save $900 on either the English or Hebrew Schottenstein talmud!

Plus, there are many other deals as well!

Shipping is free on orders of $49 or more.

Click here for this deal.

— Also on sale, is the The complete ArtScroll Digital Library loaded on a New iPad with a magnificent leather iPad cover, for only $799!