The At Home Gourmet: Everyday Gourmet Kosher Cooking for the Home Chef Hardcover Cookbook Only $3.01! (Reg. $32.95)

The At Home Gourmet: Everyday Gourmet Kosher Cooking for the Home Chef Hardcover Cookbook  – Link

Head on over to Amazon where you can currently snag this for only $3.01!

“Sarah Lasry does it again! Just a few short years have passed since the release of her first cookbook, The Dairy Gourmet, and already Sarah Lasry’s name has become synonymous with creative kosher cooking and, simply put, GOOD FOOD. Now, in her latest book, The At-Home Gourmet, she takes her innovative approach to cooking to new heights. In this handsome new cookbook, you will find a host of over 100 original recipes – dairy, meat and pareve – all fully illustrated and easy to follow. There is something for everyone in The At-Home Gourmet.”

Perilous Escape: My Journey from Nazi Europe to Freedom Hardcover Book Only $5.43! (Reg. $19.99)

Perilous Escape: My Journey from Nazi Europe to Freedom Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $5.43!

Perilous Escape is a captivating and inspiring account of Dr. Chaskel Wyszkowski’s courageous escape from Poland, separated from his mother and younger brother, HY”D, during the Nazi blitzkrieg of Europe. Grandson of the illustrious Rebbe of Modzitz in Otwock, Poland, the author takes us on his journey through Vilna, Japan, Australia, Israel, and eventually to New York City where he settles down and raises his family. The narrative comes to life with over 130 photos, documents and newspaper clippings, each one a testimony to his incredible bravery, love of Israel, deep faith in G-d, love for his family and ultimate success.”

Torah Commentary: Midrash Rabbeinu Bachya (7 volume set) Hardcover Only $38.88 Shipped! (Reg. $250)

Update: Deal over.

Torah Commentary: Midrash Rabbeinu Bachya (7 volume set) Hardcover – Link

Hurry on over to Amazon where you can currently snag this for only $38.88 w/free shipping!

“The Torah Commentary of Rabbi Bachya Ben Asher was the first to be based on the four principles denoted by the letters pardes, Peshat, Remez, Drush, Sod 1) the plain text, 2) a deeper, more philosophical approach to the text; 3) homiletical approach to the text; and 4) a mystical kabbalistic interpretation of the text. Rabbi Bachya introduces each of the chapters of the book with an introduction for the reader as to what they are about to experience, as well as providing thought provoking questions along the way.”

Good Food: Inspired by my Middle Eastern roots and the places I’ve called home Hardcover Cookbook Only $21.32! (Reg. $36.99)

Alive again for $21.60.

Good Food: Inspired by my Middle Eastern roots and the places I’ve called home Hardcover Cookbook – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $21.32 w/free shipping!

“Sina Mizrahi, recipe writer and photographer of the blog Gather a Table, shares over 160 recipes that incorporate fresh, bold flavors in satisfying meals and sweets. With approachable, vibrant dishes inspired by her Middle Eastern roots, she encourages you to gather around the table to share in the blessing of good food with the people you love.”

― Beautiful, flavorful dishes for casual and holiday meals
― Quick, unfussy recipes with additional Instant Pot directions for easy dinners
― Guide to fresh herbs and spices, plus 9 homemade spice blends
― Authentic recipes translated from grandmothers’ dashes and pinches into detailed instructions
― Cooking tips and tricks to help you feel confident and capable in the kitchen

Dinner Done by Between Carpools Hardcover Cookbook Only $26.60 + Free Shipping!

Dinner Done by Between Carpools Hardcover Cookbook – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to just $26.60 w/free shipping!

  • 150+ quick-to-prepare, family-friendly dishes that you ll turn to over and over.
  • No pricey, hard-to-find ingredients needed! You already have most ingredients in your pantry!
  • Beautiful photo for every single dish.
  • A full chapter of super-quick, no-mess 9 x 13 recipes prepared directly in the pan in just minutes. Mix, bake, and serve!
  • Chicken, Meat, Fish, and Dairy main dishes, plus lots of easy side dishes, salads, and soups!
  • Yes, there’s always room for a sweet treat. Dinner Done also includes the easy, delicious desserts you ll turn to when there’s no time to fuss.
  • The Between Carpools team also shares their favorite cooking hacks and tips throughout the book!

An Audience of One: and other stories Hardcover Book Only $2.04!

Update: Deal over.

An Audience of One: and other stories Hardcover – Link

Hurry on over to Amazon where you can currently snag this for only $2.04!

“Once again, Sarah Shapiro demonstrates her keen eye and sensitive discerning heart. In a series of reflections on life, love, childhood, parenting, growing old, and many other areas of human concern, she helps us grow as Jews and indeed as human beings. The essays are short, the style is light, but there is much here to ponder. This is a volume that will enrich and inspire its readers.”

Aruch Hashulchan in English: Orach Chaim, Chapters 242-292 (Laws of Shabbat) Hardcover Only $7.98! (Reg. $39.95)

Aruch Hashulchan in English: Orach Chaim, Chapters 242-292 (Laws of Shabbat) Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $7.98!

“The Aruch Hashulchan, the monumental work of Rav Yechiel Michel Halevi Epstein, occupies a prominent place in the library of classic Jewish texts. Almost every contemporary halachic sefer cites the Aruch Hashulchan and contends with his opinions, testifying to the esteem in which this exceptional work is held. The original eight volumes encompassing all four sections of Shulchan Aruch were composed between 1870 and 1901. The Aruch Hashulchan was immediately acclaimed by the Torah scholars of the day and remains a standard in halachic literature.

With remarkable clarity, scope, and skill, the Aruch Hashulchan incorporates many different facets of halachic study. Relevant sources from the Gemara, Rambam, and Rishonim are explained and difficulties resolved with novel, straightforward explanations. He reports the rulings of the Shulchan Aruch and the Rema, as well as those of the Magen Avraham, Taz, and other classical commentaries, sometimes challenging their opinions. This masterful compendium of Jewish law also addresses practical halachic issues as well as relating to prevalent customs of the time. 

For this new edition, the full Hebrew text and all sources were carefully reviewed. Obvious typographical and citation errors were corrected, and supplementary references were added.”

Voices in Exile: A Study in Sephardic Intellectual History (The Library of Sephardic History and Thought) Hardcover Only $3.71! (Reg. $29.95)

Voices in Exile: A Study in Sephardic Intellectual History (The Library of Sephardic History and Thought) Hardcover – Link

You can currently snag this from Amazon at only $3.71!

“Examines the intellectual life of Sephardic Jewry from the Spanish expulsion in 1492 through the first half of the 20th century. Discusses the background to the expulsion from Spain, the Jews’ tribulations, and their reactions – the effort to understand the meaning of their suffering. Deals with the Converso phenomenon and the problems they encountered. Describes rationalist and anti-rationalist thought following the expulsion, and the messianic movements which arose. Pp. 144-149 discuss the blood libels in Damascus and Rhodes in 1840 and the kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara in 1858, and the Jewish organizations which were established to aid persecuted Jews (e.g. B’nai B’rith, Alliance Israélite Universelle).”

Let Them Journey: True Stories Uniting the Past with the Future Hardcover Only $2.99! (Reg. $27.95!)

Let Them Journey: True Stories Uniting the Past with the Future Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $2.99!

“This book illustrates the story of Jewish migration in the last hundred years, from an unusual perspective. There is no faceless narrator sweeping the characters along the tides of history; the stories are told by the people themselves, unaltered and with all the poignancy of memory intact. These people, their lives overshadowed and sometimes obliterated by catastrophic events, relate in their own words what it was like to be a Jew in such a world and under such conditions. The recollections related in this book provide an interesting, enlightening and informative panorama of the varied Jewish experiences in the twentieth century.”

Peas, Love and Carrots Hardcover Cookbook For $22!

Deal over.

Update: Alive again for only $24.80!

Peas, Love and Carrots Hardcover Cookbook – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to just $24.56 w/free shipping!

  • Delicious recipes and beautiful art and photos worthy of space in your kitchen and on your coffee table!
  • An extension of the @peaslovencarrots community Danielle has built, where tens of thousands of people tune in daily for recipes and cooking tutorials, lifestyle tips, and all things family related!
  • With 254+ approachable recipes and 186+ gorgeous photos that draw inspiration from Danielle’s Sephardic and Ashkenazi roots, there is plenty in here for every person and every occasion!
  • Filled with tips + tricks, stories, anecdotes, and insights that leave us laughing, teach us how to be better cooks, and make us proud of our lives in the kitchen and of the food that we serve to beloved friends and family.

The Pesach Haggadah: Through the Prism of Experience and History: The Orlofsky Edition Hardcover Only $12.92! (Reg. $39.99)

Update: Deal over.

The Pesach Haggadah: Through the Prism of Experience and History: The Orlofsky Edition Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to $12.92!

“Whether it’s history, Pirkei Avos, a general look at the Jewish and general world – Rabbi Berel Wein’s voice, outlook, depth, and breadth are unique. And now he shares his Seder with us – and he shares them with us in his inimitable manner, as only he can. It’s truly an enlightening experience. The Wein Seder is a delightful combination of classic commentary and stories, of background and history, of a bright light and piercing perspective, of provocative and enlightening ideas. This Haggadah is unique. It sparkles, stimulates – and it makes delightful reading not only on Pesach, but all year round.”

From Couscous to Kasha: Reporting From the Field of Jewish Community Work Hardcover Book Only $5.15! (Reg. $22.95)

Update: Deal over.

From Couscous to Kasha: Reporting From the Field of Jewish Community Work Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $5.15!

“A humorous and often moving memoir, this account details the years Seymour Epstein spent serving on the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, which works with Jewish communities all over the world. This chronicle of Epstein’s international adventures explores the role of community in late 20th-century Jewish life and examines the disintegration of North Africa’s rich Jewish past alongside the spontaneous development of new Jewish communities in Russia The stories included in this book contain profound lessons that can be applied to Jewish community life worldwide. “

Raising a Community, a Family, and Ourselves: Insights from a Rabbi in San Diego Hardcover Book Only $6.26! (Reg. $21.95)

Raising a Community, a Family, and Ourselves: Insights from a Rabbi in San Diego Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to just $6.26.

“To elevate one’s life, the individual focuses on growth in three areas: oneself, one’s family, and one’s community. Ideally, he does so under the leadership and direction of his rabbi, who can offer specific and personalized guidance. Raising a Community, a Family, and Ourselves shares thought-provoking anecdotes and lessons — from three decades of the author’s dynamic leadership as a pulpit rabbi — that educate and encourage the individual in living a moral and elevated existence. “

Pirkay Avos on Marriage: Timely Ideas from a Timeless Source Hardcover Book Only $2.13! (Reg. $24.95)

Pirkay Avos on Marriage: Timely Ideas from a Timeless Source Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $2.13!

“This book brings together two themes on which the author has previously written. In As a Tree by the Waters, which later became Chapters of the Sages, Rabbi Bulka presented a commentary on Pirkay Avos, showing how each Mishnah was linked to the previous Mishnah and the ensuing Mishnah. It was a thematic and psychological commentary.

Later, he wrote Jewish Marriage: An Halakhic Ethic, which was a detailed analysis of marriage from an halakhic and psychological perspective.

This present volume brings these two themes together, as Rabbi Bulka gleans vital messages concerning marriage from each Mishnah in Pirkay Avos. In a distinct manner, this book is itself a marriage of two vital themes in Jewish life.”

Searching for Sinai: The Location of Revelation Hardcover Book Only $6.54!

Searching for Sinai: The Location of Revelation Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $6.54!

“The most awesome moments of history were the crossing of the Red Sea and the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.

Ironically, the actual locations of both of these monumental events are shrouded in mystery. Generations of scholars and researchers have, since time immemorial, aspired to find these unique sites but (although many theories have been propounded), none as yet have yielded any decisive archaeological evidence.

Most of the suggestions have taken on the assumption that the crossing took place at the western arm of the Red Sea, and that Mt. Sinai must lie somewhere in the Sinai Peninsula.
In recent years, however, suggestions have come to include the eastern arm of the Red Sea and to the adjacent wilderness in Saudi Arabia.

The Talmud attaches great importance to knowing the location of these historical sites, as do Maimonides (Rambam) and Nachmanides (Ramban). Certain laws depend on knowing their location, and knowledge of their location – and the location of the various sites of encampment of the Israelites – will lead to a more accurate understanding of the Biblical verses and at the same time pave the way for attaining a clearer picture of this crucial period in history.

In this unique and ground-breaking book, readers will:

  • investigate various possible locations of Mt. Sinai and the crossing of the Red Sea and judge if they conform to the Biblical narrative and Rabbinic Tradition
  • trace the footsteps of the Israelites from the Exodus until their arrival at Mt. Sinai.
  • be guided by clues hidden between the words of the Biblical narrative, ancient Rabbinic sources and a topographical study of the area.

In the course of our investigation, we will be led to new and startling locations for both the crossing of the Red Sea and Mount Sinai.”

In and Around Jerusalem for Everyone : The Best Walks, Hikes and Outdoor Swimming Paperback Book Only $3.56! (Reg. $29.95)

In and Around Jerusalem for Everyone : The Best Walks, Hikes and Outdoor Swimming Paperback Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $3.56!

In and Around Jerusalem for Everyone is a 318-page beautifully illustrated book containing the best 20 walks in Jerusalem and 23 hikes in the countryside around Jerusalem, including the Judean Desert. Most of the hikes are easily reachable by public transport, and include Waze and Moovit destinations. Most of the chapters contain descriptions of nearby fun attractions such as museums, workshops and amusement parks together with a QR code. Throughout the book are short engaging essays on the historic and geographic significance of the places being visited. There is also a section on natural pools suitable for swimming and outdoor swimming pools. With this book in your hand you have everything you would love to know about Jerusalem and the areas around Jerusalem! “

Hold On: Surviving Days Before Moshiach Hardcover Book Just $5.02!

Hold On: Surviving Days Before Moshiach Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to just $5.02!

Before Moshiach comes, Hashem will stretch a rope from one end of the world to the other and shake it vigorously . These turbulent times are testing our faith in Hashem. We must hold on tightly until the endas said by The Chofetz Chaim”

Henry Kissinger: Pragmatic Statesman in Hostile Times (Routledge Historical Americans) Only $5.70! (Reg. $46.95)

Update: Deal over.

Henry Kissinger: Pragmatic Statesman in Hostile Times (Routledge Historical Americans) – Link

You can currently snag this at Amazon for only $5.70!

Henry Kissinger: Pragmatic Statesman in Hostile Times explores the influence of statesman Henry Kissinger in American foreign relations and national security during 1969 to 1977.

Henry Kissinger arrived in the U.S. as a young Jewish refugee and went on to serve as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State to Presidents Nixon and Ford. The consulting firm he founded has advised every U.S. president since. In this book, Abraham R. Wagner reveals how Kissinger used his knowledge of history and international relations to advocate a realpolitik approach to U.S. foreign policy. Through seven selected primary source documents, Wagner tracks how Kissinger became an iconic figure in international relations that polarized opinion during 1969 to 1977, a critical and controversial period of American history.

This book will be useful for students interested in American history and security studies, especially those with an interest in U.S. international relations during the latter years of the war in Vietnam.”

DNA in Halakhah Hardcover Book Only $7.62! (Reg. $29.95)

DNA in Halakhah Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $7.62!

“Judaism and Jewish law are eternal and immutable. But the world changes and presents novel challenges. Modern science and developing technology create facts on the ground that raise relevant contemporary questions of which Halakhah must take cognizance.

Fingerprint examination, blood typing and DNA matching were all unknown until recent decades. Jewish law posits strict laws of evidence and generally excludes circumstantial evidence for most purposes. Rabbi Bleich\x27s comprehensive work explores the nature of DNA evidence in establishing paternity, the relief of agunot, mamzerut, inheritance, identity as a Jew and as a kohen, the so-called “Jewish” gene and the kohen gene.

The Impact of World War One on the Jewish People Hardcover Book Only $2.13! (Reg. $26.95)

The Impact of World War One on the Jewish People – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $2.13!

The First World War was a calamity which significantly impacted the Jewish people. Millions of Jews were personally affected whether upon the battlefields by being in close proximity to the fighting, or as refugees. The era of the First World War ignited existing hatreds against Jewry and posed unprecedented challenges in a world rife with peril. With the War’s end in 1918, dangers and hardships facing Jewry continued. Amid this bleak and ominous picture, the Balfour Declaration gave hope for Jewish statehood. The aftermath of the war eventually led to the rebirth of the Jewish State. “

Sin•a•gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought Hardcover Book For $27.06!

Sin•a•gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought Hardcover Book – Link

This is currently marked down to its lowest ever on Amazon in the Hardcover version for only $27.06 w/free shipping!

“It is no more possible to think about religion without sin than it is to think about a garden without dirt.

By its very nature, the ideals of religion entail sin and failure. Judaism has its own language and framework for sin that expresses themselves both legally and philosophically. Both legal questions―circumstances where sin is permissible or mandated, the role of intention and action―as well as philosophical questions―why sin occurs and how does Judaism react to religious crisis―are considered within this volume. This book will present the concepts of sin and failure in Jewish thought, weaving together biblical and rabbinic studies to reveal a holistic portrait of the notion of sin and failure within Jewish thought.

The suffix “agogue” means to lead or grow. Here as well, Sin•a•gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought will provide its readers frameworks and strategies to develop even in the face of failure.”

The Minhagim: The Customs And Ceremonies Of Judaism Their Origins And Rationale Hardcover Only $5.66! (Reg. $26.95)

The Minhagim: The Customs And Ceremonies Of Judaism Their Origins And Rationale Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $5.66!

“To live Jewishly is to weave an elaborate and intricate fabric fashioned from the divine commandments, the mitzvot. This pattern of Jewish life is embellished by a fascinating network of minhagim, customs which have evolved in the course of centuries, often varying from place to place, inspired by faith and devotion to the fulfillment of God’s will. By means of minhag the spiritual leaders of old aimed to preserve the folk-thinking, conscience and character of their communities. For the individual Jew the minhag was, and is, the vehicle through which he demonstrated his devotion to God in a manner wholly spontaneous and embracing something of his own personality. The word minhag, generally translated as ”custom”, denotes a time-hallowed religious practice superimposed on a mitzvah of Biblical or Rabbinic origin. There are various types of minhagim, some even reflecting the influence of the non-Jewish environment. Most minhagim have in the course of time attained the status of law. According to Talmudic maxim ”minhag supersedes halakhah”. A vast body of literature has been produced in Hebrew dealing with all aspects of minhag. This is the first book in the English language to present the whole range of the minhagim as observed by the Jew every day of his life, on his festivals and fast days, in his days of happiness and of sorrow from the cradle to the grave. In his aim to present the origin and rationale of each minhag, the author draws on the entire range of our traditional literature from Pentateuch and the Talmud, the Kabbalah and Hassidic masters, as well as numerous works of the minhag literature. “

My Pesach Kitchen Hardcover Cookbook Only $11.57!

Update: Deal over.

My Pesach Kitchen Hardcover Cookbook – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $11.57!

“Whether you’ve been making Pesach for many years, or it s your very first Pesach staying at home, let My Pesach Kitchen show you how to prepare for Pesach and serve fabulous meals on Yom Tov and Chol HaMoed – without stress!

Faigy Murray, a popular recipe developer and food blogger, wants to make sure that this Pesach, your food is spectacular and delicious and you are relaxed and able to enjoy it! In My Pesach Kitchen, she guides you through the process of making, prepping, and cooking for Pesach so it’s pressure free for you.”

Today Only: Save Up To $310.99 on The Artscroll Kleinman Edition Midrash Rabbah!

Update: Deal over.

Today only, Amazon has the Kleinman Edition Midrash Rabbah on sale at 40% off!

Kleinman Ed Midrash Rabbah: Complete 5 volume set of the Megillos: $137.99 (Reg. $229.99)

Kleinman Ed Midrash Rabbah: Complete 12 volume set of the Chumash: $335.99 (Reg. $559.99)

Kleinman Ed Midrash Rabbah: Complete 17 volume set: $464.99 (Reg. $774.99)

Artscroll The Weekly Parashah Jaffa Family Edition Slipcase Set Only $89.99 Shipped! (Reg. $149.99)

Artscroll The Weekly Parashah Jaffa Family Edition Slipcase Set – Link

Artscroll has this on sale for 1 day only, for just $89.99 w/free shipping!

“A Unique Way to Instill a Love of Torah into our Children!

This unique narrative retelling of the Chumash is designed to engage readers ages 8 and up, and to connect them in a deep and meaningful way to the Torah. Written by an educator with decades of experience, it will instill in the heart of young people a love for Torah and a commitment to Jewish tradition and values.

Based on the Chumash text, classic commentators, and the Midrash, The Weekly Parashah features age-appropriate text and graphics, gorgeous illustrations, and dozens of short sidebars that enhance the reading experience. A special section in the back lists the hundreds of sources, making it a fantastic resource for parents and educators.

In addition to a full narrative of the parashah, The Weekly Parashah includes:

Maaseh Avos: What happened to the Avos is a sign of what will happen to us!
Fascinating Facts: Interesting information related to the parashah.
Torah in our Lives: The Torah shows us how to live.
Questions, Anyone? We all have questions. Here are some of the answers.
Who’s Who in the Torah: A fascinating look at some of the people in the Torah.”

Kleinman Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Code of Jewish Law 5 Vol Slipcased Set [Full Size Hardcover Set] Only $89.99 Shipped! (Reg. $149.99)

Update: Deal over.

Kleinman Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Code of Jewish Law 5 Vol Slipcased Set [Full Size Hardcover Set] – Link

Artscroll has this on sale for 23 hours only, for just $89.99 w/free shipping!

“This is a breakthrough that belongs in every home and library.”

Since 1864, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried‘s Kitzur Shulchan Aruch has been one of the world’s most widely used Halachic guides for daily Jewish living. No work of Halachah has been reprinted so many times in so many countries.

Now ArtScroll / Mesorah has completed a major project that presents a clear, authoritative, definitive treatment of this classic text, presenting “the Kitzur” in the same universally acclaimed format as ArtScroll’s Schottenstein Edition of the Talmud.

The finished work is a five-volume set featuring:

  • Fully vowelized text of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, based on the author’s own corrected Lemberg edition of 1884
  • Crisp, clear translation appropriate for student and scholar alike
  • ArtScroll’s trademark phrase-by-phrase elucidation with explanatory notes
  • Original editorial glosses from Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
  • Detailed appendices

A special major feature makes this an even more useful Halachic guide:
This edition lists important rulings of two of the last century’s most widely studied halachic authorities, when they differ from the Kitzur:
Mishnah Berurah, the Chafetz Chaim’s authoritative commentary on Orach Chaim
Igros Moshe, the monumental responsa of the Posek Hador, HaGaon Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l.

With these vitally important additions, The Kleinman Edition of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch / Code of Jewish Law is a valuable and useful resource to all.

40% Off The Artscroll Or HaChaim Complete 10 Volume Set!

Update: Deal over.

Or HaChaim Complete 10 Volume Set – Link

Artscroll is currently offering the Or HaChaim Complete 10 Volume Set on sale for just $179.99 shipped!

“OrHaChaim’s commentary is so rich, so profound, so wide-ranging, so broad and deep — it has been one of the foremost, most revered commentaries on Chumash for nearly three centuries.

Created by an extraordinary team of talmidei chachamim, this is the finest elucidation of Or HaChaim in any language.

It includes

  • Text of the Chumash, Targum, and Rashi
  • Accurate, well researched, vowelized Or HaChaim text
  • Flowing Interpretive translation of Or HaChaim, following the famed pattern of the ArtScroll Talmud, Rashi, and Ramban
  • Introductions of concepts

Remarkably clear explanatory notes Bottom line? This is an absolute masterpiece! For anyone who wants to understand the Torah as only Or HaChaim explains it – this edition is a must!”

The Songs of Psalms: Text, Translation and Interpretation Hardcover Book Only $3.13! (Reg. $49.95!)

The Songs of Psalms: Text, Translation and Interpretation Hardcover – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $3.13!

“A new translation of Psalms, based on an exact reading of mesoretic accents which considers each traditional verse as a strophe, composed mostly of three or four lines. The interplay of strophes of variable length shows that the compositions have the characteristics of songs, different from poetry of strophes of fixed length appropriate for declamations.

The translation of difficult words in Psalms takes due note of the Arabic leaning environment of David’s family.”

Rabbeinu Shmuel Hanagid 2 Hardcover Book Only $6.22! (Reg. $19.99)

Update: Deal over.

Rabbeinu Shmuel Hanagid 2 – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $6.75!

“The second volume of Mahrwood Press groundbreaking work on the life of Rabbi Shmuel HaNagid. The absorbing, sophisticated comic-book format of these books has both kids and adults mesmerized. Learn about the life and times of this great Rishon gadol hador, dayan, paytan, scientist, warrior – in a most entertaining, captivating, and thrilling way. “

Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel: Wiring our Children for Happiness – Hardcover For $3.85! (Reg. $19.99!)

Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel: Wiring our Children for Happiness – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $3.85!

“Most children need to be taught the ”talent” of happiness. It doesn’t happen automatically – and it is the central key that enables them to lead successful, productive, and meaningful lives.

Beth Perkel synthesizes deep Torah concepts, the most up-to-date psychological methods, scientific studies and research and weaves them into a practical, personalized system for us and our children. Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel teaches parents how to empower children with micro-habits and mindsets that will wire them with lifelong skills to improve their attitudes, reactions, and interactions throughout life. With many profound exercises, teachings, and tips that are applicable to adults as well, this book offers the power to illuminate all stages of the journey through the tunnel of life.”

Emerging from Darkness, Chanukah Only $2.97! (Reg. $18.99)

Emerging from Darkness, Chanukah – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to only $2.97!

“We all search for meaning in our lives. Masters of Jewish thought such as the Maharal, Ramchal, Rav Tzadok, and the Sfas Emes provide for us deeper meaning and understanding of Torah, mitzvos, and life.

Often, however, to fathom their teachings, it is necessary to have a broad knowledge and grasp of Torah and their works. Rabbi Ahron Rapps peels away the layers of darkness and shines penetrating light upon their lessons, providing his readers with a familiarity and keen awareness of their role in God s creation. His words shine forth as a menorah on a dark night, drawing us closer to vital concepts and holy acts.

Prior to when he began his weekly column on these matters in the Yated, I did not know Rabbi Rapps. I turned to our rebbi, Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, for guidance as to whether to offer him a column. He accepted responsibility for Rabbi Rapps and greatly encouraged me to publish his columns. “

”In the Dwelling of a Sage Lie Precious Treasures” Essays in Jewish Studies in Honor of Shnayer Z. Leiman Hardcover Book Only $3.13! (Reg. $34.99!)

”In the Dwelling of a Sage Lie Precious Treasures” Essays in Jewish Studies in Honor of Shnayer Z. Leiman Hardcover Book – Link

Amazon has this currently marked down to just $3.13!

“For over fifty years, Shnayer Leiman-prolific scholar of Jewish Studies, renowned lecturer, dedicated mentor and colleague, and individual of exceptional character-has enriched the lives and minds of scholars and laypeople, contributing to a wide range of academic specialties and imparting fascinating discoveries to the wider public. Consistent with the breadth of its honoree, the present volume features stimulating essays that span a range of fields: Bible and philology, Masorah, biblical interpretation, Jewish philosophy and theology, halakhah and pilpul, works of art and their connection to Jewish law and thought, and the social and intellectual history of medieval and modern Jews of diverse regions and cultures. “

The volume contains essays by the following distinguished scholars:
David Berger
Shalom Carmy
Mordechai Z. Cohen
Abraham David
Adam S. Ferziger
Jeffrey S. Gurock
Shlomo Zalman Havlin
Sara Japhet
Ephraim Kanarfogel
Eliezer Katzman
Jordan S. Penkower
Sara Reguer
Jacob J. Schacter
Bernard Septimus
Marc B. Shapiro
Michael A. Shmidman
Daniel Sperber
Richard C. Steiner
Jeffrey R. Woolf